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Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 8:46:00 AM
There is good and there is evil. Right and wrong. Heroes and villains.
And if we're blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through.

We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself.
And if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there, staring back at us, is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life.
And each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all.
And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make.
By the love we hold onto, and the promises we keep.

A child is born to innocence.
A child is drawn towards good.
Why then do so many among us go so horribly wrong?
What makes some walk the path of darkness while others choose the light?
Is it will?
Is it destiny?
Can we ever hope to understand the force that shapes the soul?
To fight evil, one must know evil; one must journey back through time and find that fork in the road, where heroes turn one way and villains turn another.

We dream of hope.
We dream of change.
Of fire, of love, of death.
And then it happens.
The dream becomes real.
And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries finally shows itself.
Like the glowing light of a new dawn.

So much struggle for meaning, for purpose.
And in the end, we find it only in each other.
Our shared experience of the fantastic.
And the mundane.
The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect.
And to know in our hearts... that we are not alone.

We are, if anything, creatures of habit.
Drawn to the safety and the comfort of the similar.
But what happens when the familiar becomes unsafe?
When the fear that we've been desperately trying to avoid, finds us where we live?

How is this happening?
What are they?
Why them and not others?
Why now?
What does it all mean?

Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.

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About Me

Wiyosa Waluyan Rusdi
CoAssistant of Kariadi Hospital
Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University

email: wiyosa@gmail.com
